We’re Thankful Commission Chairman Mike Poppens Satisfied His Creditors and Got His Personal Financial Judgments Resolved In Lincoln County This Year!


When Chairman Poppens got his farming operation over $350,000 into debts here in Lincoln County – debts, that creditors found it necessary to take him to court over – it doesn’t appear like he’s on a firm financial foundation.  We don’t know if he earned enough money back to pay these creditors off, sold off assets or just got refinanced.  Even though this was a tough year in agriculture for many we do hope he is earning his way back.

But now we see he and his wife bought a new Sioux Falls home (2913 S. Ridgeview Rd), north of O’Gorman High School on August 30, 2019. Please note that they are listed as the buyers of this home and she signed here for them declaring this home to be their principal residence. But by May of this year he had a Mechanics Lien filed against him by Dirks Drywall, for work done on this new home! (See below.)

But what we find disturbing is that many of these judgments were being filed against him the very same time he was leading the charge to build a massive wasteful jail that would do increased financial harm to home-owners, business and farmers in Lincoln County.  (Thank goodness 67% of the voters said No!)

If his apparent personal financial troubles couldn’t motivate him to consider a much more cost-effective jail proposal, clearly he will care little for the harm such waste could do to the rest of us. And now we’re convinced he hasn’t learned anything from this NO vote.

See the table of the court filings regarding his debts below.

Financial Struggles for Michael Poppens

It looks to us like Chairman Poppens’ apparent wasteful personal spending habits are showing up in his official taxpayer spending habits, as well.  Maybe it would be best for him to devote less time to his Commissioner duties and more time to his personal financial concerns before they get the best of him, which we certainly would not wish on him!

See each public file on these financial claims and judgments on Poppens linked below.  We can’t find the date on the Ophthalmology Ltd. claim where it was paid up/satisfied. Nor can we find a resolution on the Dirks Drywall mechanics lien.  But we could have missed them in our search and will be pleased to update this if we learn otherwise.

Ophthalmology Ltd
Simplot AB Retail

DBK Properties

Dirks Drywall

David Tuntland, Executive Director
Lincoln County Citizens for Real Progress Committee