Architect Propaganda

“Any local government facilities assessment involving an architecture or engineering firm that does not have the names and signatures of their experienced, licensed professionals on the document, most often, renders the assessment political propaganda. Especially when it was developed not long before a public funding referendum. Without their signature and professional stature on it they are not required to employ the standards in their profession to the assessment and defend them accordingly. One will often see boiler plate verbiage of broad generalizations and declared problems that employ half-truths and scary verbs in such assessments that are either non-issues or designed to frame the discussion away from low-cost and effective remedies. Watch for this especially if the professional firm may be likely candidates for architecture and engineering contracts with that local government’s board if the referendum would pass.”

–Art Johnston, a twice-elected school board member Duluth, MN ISD, civil engineer licensed in several states, and Republican candidate for Minnesota House 7B